A gate is an opening for transformation. We have to recognize it, then put the intention of the gate. We have to perceive its effects, first in a global meaning and then in a personal way.
Gates in Personal Cycles OR Gates in your Time-Space:
- Large and small cycles
- Menstruation cycles for women
- Birthdays
- Planetary entries in our astrology houses
- Planetary transits on our birth chart planets (conjunctions and/or oppositions)
- Saturn's 7 year cycles. Saturn's cycle is related to changes in structure. This could be inner structure and/or relating to structures in our life-situation. This kind of cycle is associated to the moon cycle by the number 28.
- Jupiter's cycle of 12 years.
- Numerological cycle of 10 years
Personal Gates related to Global Cycles OR Gates in Global Time-Space:
- When planets move into different signs
- Solstices and equinoxes
- Conjunction between planets
- Full moon and new moon
- Eclipses
- The 4 great Celtic feasts
Timeless Gates OR Gates of Perception:
- Places shown by the Force or by the personal story
- Mystic or religious places
- Places depending on the moment
- Trees (magnetism)
- Rocks (rhythm)
- Mountains (mass)
- Clouds (form)
- Sunsets and sunrises
- Planets you can see in the sky
- Holes in leaves
- Shades or shadows
- Mark on a mountain
- Landscapes
- Passage between 2 trees
- Crystal
- Dreams
- Sleeping
- our Double