Dear fellow warriors, following a set of synchronicity coming from the last new moon (13th of the year 2024), the 13th Warrior (describing Mars retrograde), We are now talking about the full moon of the 13th January 2025.
The chart of this FM is particularly interesting as there are almost all the planets concentrated of the right part of the zodiac. It is like if the chart has been cut in 2 pieces. The demarcation line drawn by the opposition Mars-Pluto seems to act as a frontier between the Eastern and the Western part of the chart.
Spot on the subtle opposition and the subtle conjunction!
* The Sun conjunct Pallas in Capricorn faces the Moon conjunct Mars R in Cancer. The Moon is at home in Cancer but Mars is in exile in the sign of Cancer. On the other side we have Pallas, the feminine side of Mars, walking with the sun in Capricorn (sign of Mars and Saturn).
* Do they provide messages? Let’s check with the Sabian degrees.
- Sun 24-25° Capricorn:
A store filled with precious Oriental rugs
- Pallas 17-18° Capricorn:
The Union Jack flag files from a British warship
- Moon 23-24° Cancer:
A woman and two men castaways on a small island of the South seas
- Mars R 27-28° Cancer:
An Indian girl introduces her white lover to her assembled tribe
The nurturing Cancer represented by the crab, this oceanic crustacean seamlessly weaving between the sea and shore, has the ability to exist in both emotional and material realms. It is helped in its mission by a less warrior-ish Mars, who acts as a protector.
The prime minister Capricorn, represented by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and tail of a fish. This imagery speaks to Capricorn's bifurcated abilities: skills to navigate on both the material and emotional realms. They scale the steepest mountains. It is helped in its task by Pallas, who acts a strategist.
Other aspects:
Mars trine Neptune (orb 0°26')
Lune sextile Uranus (orb 0°36')
Sun trine Uranus (orb 0°36')
Seeing the invisible: the rune DAGAZ:
The interactions between planets have created a form that look exactly like the rune. The Dagaz Rune is a symbol of renewal and positive change in our lives. Its geometric shape evokes a balance between two polarities, between shadow and light. This graphic representation also reflects a certain paradox, an ambiguity. The Dagaz rune can both let in positive energies, and close the door to negative forces trying to make their way. It has the singular ability to transform a thing into its opposite. It is a sign that a new cycle is about to bloom.
Archetype of this FM: the starting block!
As the lunar nodes (North node and South node) are moving during the FM, let’s be ready for a new departure. NN= Pisces. SN= Virgo.
(13.01.2025= 1+3+0+1+2+0+2+5= 14=5)
The geopolitical shape of the continents is also going to change. The old patterns of the past have to be put aside. The old rulers of the financial & economical system have to pack. The unipolar world was a fiction with a dark scenario, the multipolar world is a reality... a film in which the main actors are the people.
Run to your future, forget the past and your fears.
Cleanse your karma and become a new born!