... The old seers saw that the earth is covered by a cocoon. They saw that the earth is wrapped by a ball, a luminous cocoon that trap the emanations of the Eagle. The earth is a gigantic sentient being like us.
... The magic key that opens the doors of the earth is formed by the inner silence, and any shining object.
... He explained to me that what he called the universal key... it is an impulse that comes from the consciousness of the earth, at the moment when the inner emanations in the warriors' cocoon align with the appropriate inner emanations in the earth’s cocoon.
... Warriors can use this alignment either for to perceive, as everyone does, either in the way of an impulse that allows them to enter unimaginable worlds.

Within the cocoon of the earth there is also the unknown:
... the unknown, in the cocoon of man, are the emanations that are not affected by consciousness. When the light of consciousness touches them, they become active and can align with the emanations in freedom that correspond to them. When this happens, the unknown is perceived and becomes known.
... The impulse will come when you see the glitter on the top of this mountain, don Juan told me, pointing to the highest peak in the eastern range.
... The assemblage point assemblies other worlds, aided by the impulse of earth.
... We, human beings are individuals who perceive, he says. And we perceive because there are certain emanations within the cocoon of man align with certain external emanations. Alignment is therefore the secret passage and the impulse of the earth is the key. (... Extracts from The Fire from Within- chap 13)
What about nowadays?
Following the teachings of don Juan, we have to be aware that the earth is a sentient being. For decades, the assemblage point of humanity has been fixed on reason. Since the “plandemic”, it has move and is now fixed on fear. By moving the assemblage point of humanity, the flyers and their servants (the occult oligarchy ruling the alphabet letters corporations) have set up the intent to eradicate a part of the population and to enslave the other part.
But it is not going to work because the egregore of humanity can find another alignment /position of the assemblage point in line with the emanations of the earth. In counterpart, the earth having trap new emanations of the Eagle, is going to move as well (floods of water, volcanic eruptions, strong winds....).
So it is a team work = earth & human beings. Very consistent.

The matrix is only a program linked to mental control. Freedom for us is priceless.
Finding a new position of the assemblage point is a challenge for humanity.
We’re on it !