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  • Writer's pictureby Essence Diaries


Following the article on the double full moon (the double side of the coin) and searching on my old books of astrology, it seems important to give you some new tracks regarding the astrology of the world. I’ve found the principles very interesting and easy to understand.

If we see the world like a living organism, it faces the influence of the planets and the symbolism of the zodiac.

Sun……………………………...the president, head of the state.

Moon……………………………the people.

Mercury……………………….medias and trading.

Mars………………………….…armies, concept of war.

Jupiter………………………….justice, courts, concept of peace.

Venus……………………………art, creation, pleasure.

Saturn…………………………..economy, trading or commerce structures.

Pluto……………………………..destruction and transformation, secret societies.

Uranus………………………….revolutions, discoveries.

Neptune……………………….mutations, spirituality, sects.

Ceres…………………………….agriculture, home.


Houses in the City.. or in the countryside!

House 1……………………………..the nation

House 2…………………………….finances, accounts.

House 3……………………………..crowd and medias.

House 4……………………………..architecture and places.

House 5……………………………..arts and leisures.

House 6………………………………work and public health.

House 7………………………………contracts and agreements.

House 8………………………………death, heritages.

House 9……………………………….foreign affairs.

House 10……………………………..political power

House 11……………………………..allies, relations.

House 12……………………………..plots, hoaxes.

Kalen (inspiration from cours complet d’astrologie- Daniel Giraud)

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